पुरुष: प्रकृतिस्थो हि भुङक्ते प्रकृतिजान्गुणान् |
कारणं गुणसङ्गोऽस्य सदसद्योनिजन्मसु || 22||
puruṣhaḥ prakṛiti-stho hi bhuṅkte prakṛiti-jān guṇān
kāraṇaṁ guṇa-saṅgo ’sya sad-asad-yoni-janmasu
English Gist as per https://www.holy-bhagavad-gita.org/chapter/13/verse/22
When the puruṣh (individual soul) seated in prakṛiti (the material energy) desires to enjoy the three guṇas, attachment to them becomes the cause of its birth in superior and inferior wombs.
ybrao-a-donkey's personal views not intended to be imposed on others
1. Existence of 'individual soul' has not been proved. As on date, there is no proof.
2. 'prakriti' may be taken to mean as 'nature' (not necessarily 'material energy' as given in the above Gist.
3. We can concede that we are all part of this 'Nature' i.e. 'prakriti'.
4. The 'three guNas' (satva=strength, rajas=arrogance, tamas=ignorance and inactivity) are abstract qualities. They cannot be measured. Only approximations are possible while explaining these qualities.
5. Qualities born from 'Nature' (prakriti janya guNa) need not necessarily be only these three qualities of Energy, Arrogance and Inactivity. Numerous other qualities exist in Nature.
6. sat asat yOni janmasu: Births of superior and inferior species. Priests depict the human birth as the most superior, and births of insects etc. as inferior.
7. Within the species of humans: priests interpret a 'priest (Brahmin)' caste birth (Brahmin womb) as superior , and a 'ShUdra' (Womb of a servant caste person) birth as inferior. This interpretation is obnoxious and odious. It only smacks of the arrogance of the Priests.
8. There is no proof of rebirth. Hence, there will be no need to worry about superior womb or inferior womb. It's all imaginary.
9. Cause for attachment to qualities: This idea is also imaginary.
9. For a truth-seeker (sAdhaka), the task is to distinguish among 'good', 'ordinary', 'bad'.
10. Understanding the unreality and transience of one's own body helps a person to maintain his-her poise even amidst temptations and miseries.
11. Whatever is preached by priests about Rebirths, Rebirths in Superior and inferior wombs, all such trash do not stand to the Test of Reasoning.
12. We can accept our bodies as 'fields'. But, there are no kshEtragnas (Soul which knows about the Fields). The body itself has to understand its true nature. Mind is a part of the body. At the most we can say that "Mind" is the kshEtragna (knower of the field).