" ...By your grace, all my temptation is gone. I got back the memory of my own real form. Now, I stand with all my doubts cleared. I shall do as per your words. ..."
Arjuna said these words to Krishna, after Krishna completed his discourse of about 700 verses.
1. Even after hearing all these 700 verses, Arjuna's ignorance continued. After the conclusion of war, Krishna had to again teach another Gita in Shanti Parva (Chapter 12). The second Gita is called Anu Gita. More or less, it contains the same preachings as the Bhagavad Gita.
1. Arjuna - Third brother among the Pand`avas. Listener/Receiver of Bhagavad Gita.
2. Krishna - Arjuna's brother-in-law, friend, guide, philosopher and protector.
3. Mooham = Temptation. Arjuna's temptation was: He was hesitating to slay his elders (grand father(s), uncles, brothers and nephews. He was bound by the temptations of relationships.
4. Smriti - Memory.
5. Acyuta or Achyuta (without aspirate sound) = Another name for Krishna. One who cannot be replaced or displaced or ousted. Originally, one of the names of Lord Vishn`u. Here an effort is made to present Krishna as an incarnation of Achyuta.
6. samdeehaha = doubts. The doubts here are 1. Whether to fight this ghastly battle, knowing pretty well that hundreds of thousands of women are going to become orphans and widows. 2. Whether to kill all the blood relations.
MSY 73
Nasht`oo mooha: smrutir labdhaa
Tvatprasaadaan maya Acyuta!
Sthitoo asmi gatasamdeeha:
Karishyee vacanam tava
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